Saturday, March 22, 2008

Oracle BAM - Calling an external web service as an alert - Part 1 - BAM Configuration

Oracle's BAM tool is very useful not only for reporting on enterprise data, but also in taking action on certain events.

For instance, suppose you have a BAM object defined and other processes are interested in the fact that the BAM object has been populated with a new row. In the SOA world, there are many ways we could notify another process -- via a message queue or simply by calling a web service. It is the second technique that we will be discussing in this and a follow up article.

In my example I have a BPEL process that needs to be called every time my BAM data object has a new row added to it. BAM doesn't know anything about using the BPEL Java API, but it can call a web service via an external action hooked to an alert. We'll talk about the BPEL process in the next post -- the rest of this post will described how to set up the external action and alert in BAM.

Step 1 - Creating an External Action in BAM

The external action will define the actual call to the web service. External actions are created using the BAM Architect module.

1) Select 'Data Objects' from the architect drop down
2) Expand the 'System' folder and then click the 'Alert' folder
3) Click on the 'External Actions' data object link
4) If you select the 'Layout' link you'll see that an external action has five fields that must be filled in:
  1. Name - The name that will appear in the alert's dialog
  2. Description - A description of the action
  3. Library Name - The library that contains the action class
  4. Class Name - The class which implements the external action
  5. Argument - Argument to pass to the action class
5) Click the 'Contents' link and then the 'Edit Contents' button.
6) Click the 'Add' button to add a new row. The name and description fields are self-explanatory. The library name field should be set to 'Internal' and the class name field should be set to 'WebServiceCaller'. Finally the argument field needs to be set to 'URL=' followed by the complete endpoint URL to the web service -- for example:
7) Verify everything and click 'Save' to save your new row

Note: Once you have defined your new external actions, you should restart the BAM Event Engine service.

Step 2 - Creating the Alert in BAM to Call the Action

The alert will set up the conditions under which our alert is called. Alerts are created using the BAM Architect module.

1) Select 'Alerts' from the architect drop down
2) Click the 'Create a New Alert' link
3) A new window will pop up, click the 'Create Rule' button
4) Give the rule a meaningful name in the 'Rule Name' field
5) Select the trigger event. For my example I want to call the web service everytime a row is added to a data object, so I would select 'When a data field changes in a data object'
6) Click the 'Selet data field' link
7) Pick the appropriate data object and data field.
8) By default, BAM will add a frequency constraint that will launch your rule no more than once every 5 seconds. You can change this frequency constraint to any number of minutes, hours, or seconds, or you can disable the constraint by unchecking the 'Constraint Enabled' box. Make sure that you uncheck the box if you need the alert to fire on every single event (BAM will warn you about this and ask you to click 'OK' if you want the constraint disabled).
9) Click the 'Next' button
10) You can add any time conditions if required and most importantly you can now select the action to perform. If you restarted the event service after you created you external action, you should now see your external action as an option at the end of the list. Select it.
11) Click 'OK'. Your new alert will be created and appear in the alert list.

Note: You can enable and disable alerts, simply by checking or unchecking the 'Activate' box by the alert.

If you've filled in everything correctly, your alert should fire when you add a row to the data object that you selected. If you're reading this in anticipation of calling a BPEL process, here's an important point in advance of my next post -- BAM can only call synchronous BPEL processes.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm also working on BAM. I would like my bam to call an external services, but I don't have BPEL. How do I do that. Because I'm using EDA Suite.

Charles Piazza said...

You can have BAM call any sort of synchronous web service