Friday, September 12, 2008

Worklist Application Issue When Switching to OID Security Provider

In the Oracle BPEL server there is an issue with tasks disappearing from everyone's task list after the server has been switched to use OID as the security provider.

The issue is that along with user ID's, the worklist application maintains the user's identity context in several of the workflow data base tables, including: WFTASK, WFTASKHISTORY, WFUSERPREFERENCE, WFUSERTASKVIEW, WFUSERTASKVIEWGRANT, WFUSERVACATION, and WFNOTIFICATIONSTATUS. The column in each of these tables is IDENTITYCONTEXT

Oracle is working an active bug for the issue where the migration scripts do not change the identity context columns, but until then you may want to think about manually updating the column values. This is not recommended by Oracle support, but was the only way I found to get existing tasks to show in user's task lists and task history again....

1 comment:

Charles Piazza said...

It also appears that if users have custom views defined, these views will not work unless you edit the blob data in the WFUSERTASKVIEW table.

If you download the blob text, you will see that it is XML data and contains a tag for the Identity Context. You have to download each blob, change the identity context, and then update the blob data with the changed XML.